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November 2001 Minutes

Executive Board Meeting

November 8, 2001
SSHL Research Services Conference Room

Present: J. Reiswig (chair), H. Colson, E. Cowell, S. Dunlap, S. Lawson, R. Melton (R&PD), A. Perez (secretary), E. Valdez, V. Williamson (Cultural Diversity)

Welcome to new members

J. Reiswig welcomed R. Melton, substitute for M.L. Bergstrom, R&PD Committee, and V. Williamson, substitute for A. Prussing, Cultural Diversity Committee. Their participation will make for better communication between the Executive Board and their respective committees.

LAUC Gift for Karl Lo Retirement

The IRPS Library will be giving Karl a retirement gift. The Executive Board decided that it is appropriate to give gifts to retiring librarians. The board discussed various gift ideas and decided on a photo album. It was decided to spend $50.00; E. Cowell will follow-up on the purchase. It was suggested that we ask S. Jurist to design something for the photo album.

CAPA Election

H. Colson reported that 55 ballots were sent out, and as of yesterday, November 7, 2001, 48 have been received. On Tuesday, November 13th H. Colson will send a reminder to the membership to cast their ballots by the deadline of November 15, 2001. On Friday, November 16, 2001 H. Colson and N. Stimson will count the ballots. Per the bylaws H. Colson will notify the Chair of the results and the Chair will notify the membership.

CAPA/Ad Hoc Committee on Goals in Review Process (report sent from S. Dunlap)

S. Dunlap asked what the distribution process is for both the goals report and the ARPM changes. E. Cowell will check the bylaws. The changes to the ARPM are:

1. Clarification of the role of the review initiator vis-à-vis the department head.

2. Party who is responsible for addressing the career history of the candidate.

It was decided that S. Dunlap will send emails to the membership regarding the above two reports prior to the membership meeting on November 20, 2001.

LAUC Fall Assembly

J. Reiswig reported that the Fall Assembly is next week. She distributed the agendas for both the Assembly and the LAUC Executive Board meeting. E. Cowell, Vice-Chair, and E. Valdez, Delegate, will also attend the Assembly. The "Library as a Place" program at the Assembly has been replaced by "CDL Transition Issues." J. Reiswig asked if the board had any questions for the Assembly. S. Dunlap asked about how the budget will affect hiring freezes and merit increases.

Event to Recruit library staff/students into profession

The board discussed an event on library school to entice more people to go to library school. A couple of years ago E. Valdez was trying to do something similar. He had contacted several western library schools and they had expressed interest in attending such an event. Our options are:

  • Invite people from library schools.
  • Invite people from distance learning library schools.
  • On a smaller scale invite our library staff.

E. Valdez described the USIP program that was run by T. Echavarria some years ago. V. Williamson mentioned that the Cultural Diversity Committee is interested in something similar to USIP, but targeting all students not only minorities. J. Reiswig suggested that a working group be formed to work on an event for the winter or spring quarter. A member from the Cultural Diversity Committee would join this group.

Committee Reports

Cultural Diversity Committee Report (V. Williamson)

  • The statewide committee has officially changed its name to the LAUC Diversity Committee, and our local committee wants to do the same. A proposal will be sent via email to the membership in December for the January membership meeting.
  • Plan to bring back the Film@Noon series for some films on the Middle East.
  • Follow up on the inquiry relayed by J. Reiswig that Brian and Library Administration would like to partner on a series of lectures or talks on the current international situation. The committee has funding to pay for an honorarium and refreshments. Brian had suggested Peter Cowhey, Institute on Global Conflict & Cooperation, as a possible speaker.
  • Explore the possibility of a librarian fellowship program.
  • Develop a mentorship program, similar to USIP, to encourage our student workers to attend library school. J. Reiswig suggested that this could be pursued as a research project.
  • J. Williams has updated the Cultural Diversity Committee webpage. He and V. Williamson will soon be linking Sage records to the resources section.

Research and Professional Development Committee (R. Melton)

  • E. Grassian, UCLA, is the chair of the statewide committee and R. Melton is our liaison to this committee.
  • The R&PD Committee has met twice this quarter. M.L. Bergstrom is drafting the wording for the annual research proposal call.
  • J. Church has been employed the longest on R&PD, everyone else is fairly new to UCSD.
  • Discuss research by and among librarians.
  • R. Melton will review LAUC Statewide lists to see which have been funded and which turned into a published or presented paper.
  • Discuss how to stimulate interest in applying for research funds.
  • A. Gold reviewed material in the old LAUC office and will propose that some items be tossed.
  • A member is reviewing the LAUC-SD journals and checking for gaps in the libraries' collections.

Pizza Social

We will go ahead with the lunch pizza social on Tuesday, November 13th. J. Reiswig and H. Colson will handle the social.

Agenda Building for Membership Meeting on November 20 and Need pinch-hit chair

J. Reiswig has been summoned to a meeting at UCLA on November 20th; therefore, E. Cowell will chair the meeting. The following items will be on the agenda:

  • Goals Proposal
  • Proposed Changes to ARPM
  • Fall Assembly Report
  • Introductions of new staff
  • CAPA Election results
  • Budget and hiring freezes and merit raises (J. Reiswig will check with M. Harden about the budget.)