April 2001 Minutes
Executive Board Meeting
April 12, 2001
Geisel Library Training Room
Present: H. Colson, C. Keil, J. Reiswig, B. Slater, E. Cowell, L. Galvan-Estrada, C. Haynes
1. Announcements
- LAUC lunch for the DISC candidate on April 20th: B. Slater can do it.
- Thanks to those who helped with the pizza social and getting Bruce’s gift.
2. Treasurer’s report (L. Galván-Estrada)
Our balance is $746.85 (after deducting the cost of pizza and B. Miller's gift and adding $10 in additional dues collected).
3. Report from meeting with UL (H. Colson & J. Reiswig)
- Preview of the Tempe principles presentation at the next membership meeting.
- Professional development: UL is very pleased with what R&PD has done this year. There was discussion about the funds allocated for this year. B. Schottlaender assured us that our allocations would remain the same. The issue of using professional development monies for other-than-travel professional expenses, such as association dues, journal subscriptions, books, etc. was brought up. B. Schottlaender seems open to that idea and will check with M. Harden to see if it is possible to do that. H. Colson will follow up with B. Schottlaender and will also bring up the issue of possibly increasing our professional travel allocations.
- J. Reiswig gave an update on the distinguished step and her poll. There was no agreement and she feels we need a definition of what the distinguished step means.
- CAPA’s role in interviews & appointments (there was an appointment announcement recently before CAPA ever got to see the review file). CAPA will meet with B. Schottlaender shortly to talk about this issue.
4. CAPA report (C. Haynes)
Of the 22 files that are up for review, LHR has received 15. CAPA has reviewed and forwarded 8 of these 15 files to LHR. Five Ad Hoc committees have been nominated and appointed and are at various stages of convening. Two files are truly overdue and M. Din has contacted the review initiator to determine the cause of the delay. Five files are on a different calendar due to options that are available to the candidates as a result of the new contract and as a result of new hire status.
5. Distinguished issues survey (J. Reiswig)
J. Reiswig provided a summary of her poll. There’s no agreement on this campus and there is no agreement among the campuses. There probably won’t be any recommendation from the Governance Committee to implement criteria systemwide. The consensus among the campuses is that we not want to bifurcate procedures for represented and non-represented and a position paper on this issue will probably be written.
6. New Buddy assignments (Ken Calkins and Rob Melton)
L. Galván-Estrada will be Ken's buddy and C. Keil will be Rob's buddy. H. Colson will get them the packets.
7. Spring Assembly preview (H. Colson)
No agenda yet. ULs and SOPAG are meeting at Irvine at the same time. Assembly will have lunch with them.
8. Potential candidate for LAUC statewide from San Diego
H. Colson was asked if there was anyone interested, from UCSD, in being nominated for LAUC secretary. H. Colson will do a special call via e-mail for volunteers.
9. Membership meeting agenda building (April 17)
- Tempe Principles 2-3 (B. Schottlaender & B. Chodorow)
- The MOU and you (B. Slater, J. Reiswig & M. Din) (20 mins)
- Distinguished step issues (J. Reiswig)
- Spring Assembly (H. Colson)
- Nominating committee update (B. Slater)