LAUC Executive Board Minutes
12 November 1998
BML Training Room
Present: Leslie Abrams, Karen Cargille, Sam Dunlap (secretary), Craig Haynes, Richard Lindemann, Barbara Slater, Victoria Williamson
Updates and Old Business
1. LAUC-SD "Social" summary and feedback:
The fall social was held on Oct 22. Approximately 25 attended and a total of $84.89 was spent on refreshments.
2. LAUC checking account options:
Richard explored services offered by other banks and the possibility of Library Business Services setting up an account for LAUC-SD. After discussion we decided to continue banking with the USE Credit Union.
3. Buddy program update:
Most people have already met with their "buddy" or will meet with them soon.
4. Welcome packet review and review of new acronym list:
Barbara presented members with the new members welcome packet, which includes a new welcome letter and an updated acronym list. The secretary will provide these materials to new librarians and add the acronym list to the LAUC-SD website.
5. Report back from the LAUC Executive Board Meeting 10/23/98:
Barbara reported that all campuses now have representatives to the Cultural Diversity Committee. An attempt will be made to notify other campuses when minutes are posted on local LAUC websites. Pre-meeting training will be provided to delegates attending the Fall Assembly at UCSD to remind participants of proper parliamentary procedure. The "Many Voices of Diversity" Report was accepted and the CDC may now move on to other tasks. The UCR "Institute" proposal was discussed and UCR asked LAUC to co-sponsor it; the topic will be discussed further at the Fall Assembly.
6. Letter from Judd King:
Kari shared a copy of the letter to the chancellors from Judd King requesting a formal review of the proposed salary ranges for the Assistant and Associate University Librarian (AUL) series. Copies of the memo will be forwarded to the membership for discussion at the November membership meeting.
7. CAPA update:
Review packets will be distributed on 11/18, and there will be an orientation meeting to explain the process. Leslie prepared changes and clarification of the ARP manual to discuss point by point at the membership meeting.
8. Academic Senate representative:
The LAUC representative to the Academic Senate Library Committee currently serves a one-year appointment. Some faculty serve a two-year appointment, and it would be advantageous for us to serve a similar term as a way to promote continuity and more effective participation. Barbara will talk with Lynda Claassen and determine her willingness to serve for another year. The idea of a two-year appointment to the Academic Senate Library Committee will be discussed at the membership meeting.
New Business
Upcoming calendar of LAUC events:
Fall Assembly, 11 December 1998 at UCSF
Spring Assembly, 26 May 1999 at UCR
We need a volunteer to serve the remainder of Tami Echavarria’s term on the Professional Governance Committee. Karen Cargille will put out a call to the membership.
Agenda preparation for membership meeting of 11/17
--program: Stan Chodorow
--approval of minutes from 9/22/98
--CAPA item
--Judd King memo
--Academic Senate term length
Craig noted that Ramon Gutierrez (Ethnic Studies) will speak on 12/9/98 at a "lunch and learn" event from 12:30-1:30 in the Seuss Room, sponsored by the Cultural Diversity Committee. He will speak on "Ethnic Studies: National Trends, Local Realities."