January 1999 Minutes
LAUC-SD Executive Board
January 14, 1999
Present: Leslie Abrams, Karen Cargille, Sam Dunlap (recorder), Craig Haynes, Barbara Slater
1. Minutes of 12-3-98 approved
2. There will be a presentation by Richard Lucier on 2-22-99. Details will be
forthcoming from the LAUC Research & Professional Development Committee.
3. Craig reported on the Cultural Diversity Committee meeting held at the UC
Office of the President, and efforts to reinvigorate the CDC at the statewide
level. The "Many Voices of Diversity" report has been filed. The group will
create a website including historical background information on the CDC and
links to documents and online resources pertaining to diversity issues. A
survey will be conducted to determine what kinds of diversity organizations,
efforts and outreach are being conducted at each campus, and the CDC will
publicize relevant events to the LAUC membership.
4. Barbara reported on the LAUC Assembly at UCSF. Of particular interest
was the meeting with Myron Okada regarding the successful AUL salary
adjustment, and the strategies to present justification for adding steps to
the Librarian salary scale. LAUC accepted a UCB resolution:
"That a delegation representing LAUC be appointed by the LAUC
President by February 1, 1999 for the purpose of initiating and
pursuing discussion with the UC Office of the President to request
that the Librarian series be restructured to correct the inadequacies
identified in the Report of the LAUC Professional Governance
Committee, dated December 11, 1998.
The LAUC Executive Board and LAUC Divisions are also hereby directed
to urgently seek the support of the University Librarians and campus
administrators for the revision of the Librarian series.
LAUC Executive Board pursue other avenues as appropriate for
implementation of the report."
5. Agenda building for the 1-19-99 membership meeting: UCR has requested a
straw poll to determine attendance at the Spring Assembly on May 26. Next steps
to revise the Librarian salary scale. CAPA streamlining. UL recruitment and
LAUC-SD involvement. CDC report.
6. Nominating Committee timetable & statewide opportunities. Since Kari is
statewide chair, San Diego is not eligible to have LAUC-SD members nominated for
the elected positions of LAUC.
7. Date change for May meetings. We will ask the membership to approve moving
the date from May 18 to May 11. The date of the LAUC Executive Board meeting
would change from May 13 to May 6.
Next meeting of the Executive Board
February 11, 1999