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August 1999 Minutes

LAUC-SD Executive Board Transition Meeting

August 12, 1999

Special Collections Seminar Room


Present: Leslie Abrams, Amy Butros, Karen Cargille, Harold Colson, Elizabeth Cowell, Sam Dunlap (secretary), Craig Haynes, Sanae Isozumi, Anne Prussing, Barbara Slater (chair), Victoria Williamson


Introduction of new LAUC-SD Executive Board members, and thanks to outgoing members.

Discussion about LAUC-SD Chair position for 1999/2000.

With the resignation of Richard Lindemann, Barbara Slater agreed to serve for one additional year. Karen Cargille will not serve an additional year as Outgoing Chair.

CAPA Report

Leslie Abrams reported that use of the new form worked well for CAPA and the Ad hoc committees. CAPA believes that organizational charts should become a required part of the review packet because of frequent changes. A list of items needing further action was distributed.

Annual Reports

Formal reports will be forthcoming from CAPA, the Nominating Committee, Research & Professional Development, and the Cultural Diversity Committee.

Committee Appointments

Karen Cargille distributed a list of 1999/2000 volunteers for committees. Committees were selected and candidates were identified to ask to serve on committees still needing volunteers.

Buddy Program

There was agreement that the Buddy Program is important and should be continued.

Phyllis Appreciation Day

LAUC-SD will present a gift.


The incoming Secretary will schedule locations for the monthly Executive Board meetings and Membership Meetings, which occur every two months.

LAUC Statewide Meeting:  August 17 in Oakland.