September 1995 Minutes
LAUC-SD Executive Board meeting minutes (9/8/95)
Present: Karen Cargille (chair), Lynda Claassen, Joanne Donovan,
Cynthia Jahns, Elliot Kanter, Kari Lucas, Elizabeth Robinson
(recorder), Barbara Slater, Brad Westbrook.
1. Karen indicated that Jackie Hanson would discuss the salary
bifurcation issue at the 9/12 membership meeting.
2. Discussion on the SDM Performance Review team is pending.
3. Joanne noted that streamlining ideas in the peer review
process were being incorporated into the relevant documentation.
4. Joanne also announced the 9/21 teleconference sponsored by the
R&PD committee on copyright issues in the electronic age. Alice
Perez needs RSVPs by the 18th.
5. Karen indicated that San Diego needs a representative on HOS
(Heads of Systems) and will ask for volunteers at the 9/12
membership meeting as well as via email.
1. Brad summarized the LAUC Ad Hoc Committee on Archives report
which proposes a unified LAUC archive at any one of the nine
campuses. The archive would hold statewide as well as divisional
records. The ad hoc committee feels that this would streamline
processing and storage and provide access to many documents not
currently available. In its proposal, the ad hoc committee
recommends each chapter be responsible for the processing of
documents to be submitted.
Karen noted that there are some campuses (e.g. UC Davis) who have
indicated a desire for a 5-10 year submission schedule. Two other
campuses store their records exclusively online. Lynda proposed
that SRLF and NRLF could be possible storage and processing sites
for LAUC records. Karen indicated that the statewide LAUC
Executive Board will be discussing this proposal at their October
meeting. Karen will forward the proposal to the LAUC-SD
membership for discussion at the latter's 9/12 meeting.
2. Karen indicated that in the past, the LAUC-SD Executive Board
has divvied up distribution of other chapters' minutes among its
members. Karen will assign a campus to each member (Barbara
volunteered to handle UCI's; Elliot, SB's). As Elizabeth receives
these, she will forward to the appropriate Executive Board member
for selection and further distribution as warranted. Members will
not retain copies after distribution.
social. The Faculty Club will bill LAUC-SD instead of accepting
prepayment. Tickets for beverages will be issued to members at
the social.
Karen will send a special invitation to all the new librarians.
Barbara and Anne Prussing will buy a gift and card for Beverly
Renford as congratulations on completion of her term as statewide
LAUC president. There was also some discussion on purchasing
corsages for the three new librarians as well as Beverly. Lynda
will prepare name tags for attendees of the social; Cynthia will
staff a table at the social to distribute tags and tickets.
Barbara will make a table sign to indicate the nature/sponsorship
of the event. A week before the event and the morning of said,
Cynthia will send email reminders to the LAUC-SD mailing list.
4. Elizabeth distributed a draft of a call for membership
contributions and asked if we wanted to make an appeal for
contributions over the usual $5 solicitation. This idea was
generally opposed, but there was discussion about setting a
budget for funding variant efforts not covered by LAUC R&PD
grants. Lynda suggested that if we have funds to rollover, we may
want to, for one year, not make an annual call for contributions.
Karen suggested this topic be added to the membership agenda for
the 9/12 meeting.
5. Kari presented a CAPA document concerning these performance
review issues: (1) revision of the transmittal form from CAPA to
ad hoc committees, (2) inclusion of UC (not UCSD) committee, etc.
service in review category A (Professional Competence and Service
Within the Library) or C (University and Library-related Public
Service), (3) inclusion or not of organizational charts in review
files, and (4) review timeframe for new librarians on their first
Discussion centered on issue 4 and its fairness to new
librarians. Kari will forward the document to the membership for
discussion at the 9/12 membership meeting.
6. Joanne reported that Library Administration was developing a
series of 5-6 forums featuring speakers who would address
information management for the next 3-5 years. Possible speakers
include Dorothy Gregor and Clifford Lynch. R&PD will offer to
assist Adcon in planning these forums.
The next LAUC-SD Executive Board meeting is scheduled for October
17, 1995, 1:30-3 pm in the Special Collections Seminar Room.