May 1996 Minutes
LAUC-SD Executive Board meeting minutes (5/6/96)
Present: Karen Cargille (chair), Lynda Claassen, Tammy Dearie,
Elliot Kanter, Elizabeth Robinson (recorder), Barbara
Absent: Joanne Donovan, Kari Lucas.
1. Karen will provide Anne Prussing with a count of the number of
UCSD librarians for statewide information.
2. Library Council and the Academic Senate on Libraries will
issue a letter on how the budget allocations will be distributed
from UCOP.
1. Nominating Committee report - Elliot indicated that four
people have volunteered to run for CAPA seats, one for Vice
Chair. Karen will make an announcement after the elections for
volunteers for the Webmaster position and the Archives Task
2. Career Day - There are eight volunteers for this event, three
from Biomed. Karen will select the first five received.
3. Email policy - The group briefly discussed UC's email policy
and noticed nothing to be concerned about. Karen will ask for
further comments at the membership meeting.
4. Distance Learning Task Force - Karen will double check with
Reinhart (our representative to the group) on their mission and
what the campuses should be doing. Another representative
{Firestein?} of the group will be present at the Assembly to
contact as well.
5. Substitute librarians - The statewide Committee on
Professional Governance drafted a policy for establishing a pool
of possible candidates (e.g. retired librarians) to fill short-
term positions. These positions are distinct from temporary
positions which have a cumulative term limit of two years. Tammy
asked if these substitute librarians could be used to fill in for
librarians working on LAUC research grants.
8. Order of membership meeting (May 7) agenda:
* Nominating Committee report
* Substitute librarians
* Email policy
* Distance Learning Task Force
* LAUC-SD R&PD research grant guidelines (Brad will present
for Joanne)
* Archives report
* Statewide CDC report (recommendation to fund cataloging
projects to potentially be forwarded to Library
The next LAUC-SD Executive Board meeting will be held June 27,
1996, 1-2 p.m. in the Special Collections Seminar Room.