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July 1994 Minutes

Minutes July 22, 1994
BML History Room 2:00 p.m.
Present: Ruth Gustafson, Cynthia Jahns, Elliot Kanter, Richard
Lindemann, Kari Lucas, Anne Prussing (Chair), Chris Stave.

C. Stave presented a "Proposal to make the LAUC-SD Ad Hoc
Committee on Affirmative Action a standing committee" and proposed
bylaws modifications to coincide with the aforementioned proposal.
Discussion about the proposal ensued. While the board expressed
support for the proposal, there was sentiment that the wording of
the document needed embellishment in order to express more fully
the justification for the proposed action. Bylaws changes were
also discussed and changes in wording were suggested.
A revised draft of the proposal and bylaws will be distributed
by email to the Executive Board and, if acceptable to all, will be
sent forward as an agenda item for the next membership meeting. If
further discussion seems warranted, that discussion will be had
during the transition meeting of the Executive Board.

K. Lucas had received a few minor suggestions from board
members on wording the survey instrument. Other revisions were
suggested. A revised draft incorporating changes will be
distributed by email to the Executive Board for review. Once
approved, the survey will be broadcast to the membership by email
in anticipation of electronic response. Those wishing anonymity
will have the opportunity of responding on paper by office mail.
The survey will be sent out on August 1 with responses due
September 1.

A. Prussing distributed copies of an email message from B.
Renford (outgoing chair of CAPA), on behalf of CAPA, requesting the
formation of an ad hoc committee to review last year's list of
issues and recommendations, to review issues involved in
streamlining the review process, and to identify follow-up actions
that would be needed for revising the Academic Review Procedures
document accordingly. J. Hanson has agreed to perform preliminary
work in identifying absolutely essential procedures mandated by the
APM and might rightly serve on the proposed ad hoc committee ex
A. Prussing will broadcast a call to the membership by email
providing a brief charge and soliciting volunteers for this ad hoc
committee. Committee recommendations should be prepared for
presentation at the September membership meeting, since time is
essential if streamlining occurs for the coming review cycle. Most
desirable committee appointees will be those with CAPA experience.

Timing is a problem in making appointments, which are made by
the new chair in consultation with the new board. These officers
begin their term in September, but there are statewide
considerations that dictate determining committee membership before
the statewide transition meeting in August.
The board agreed to encourage the new board to meet before the
local transition meeting for the purpose of making committee
appointments so that committee appointments are in place before the
statewide transition meeting and the new term. E. Kanter will call
that preliminary meeting.

A. Prussing will call a transition board meeting for the
second or third week of August, in advance of the statewide
transition meeting.

1. A. Prussing has sent a letter outlining LAUC-SD's proposal for
professional development funding to Gerald Lowell, who is taking it
under advisement preliminary to library-wide budget discussions.
2. A new-member social is still in the offing, to be held
sometime this autumn.
3. The Secretary will monitor the arrival of new librarians and
prompt the Chair to appoint a "LAUC Buddy" for each newly arrived
4. Susannah Galloway is retiring on September 1; A. Prussing will
investigate farewell possibilities.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:20.

Respectfully submitted, R. Lindemann, Secretary/Treasurer