March 1994 Minutes
Minutes March 18, 1994
BML History Room 10:00 a.m.
Present: Elliot Kanter, Richard Lindemann, Kari Lucas, Anne
Prussing (Chair), Beverly Renford, Chris Stave.
Report on Statewide Ex. Board teleconference of March 16
Minutes of this teleconference meeting are forthcoming. A.
Prussing summarized topics and introduced local discussion about
ways for statewide to save money in light of recent and anticipated
10% cuts to LAUC's statewide operating budget. Among the
possibilities are:
- canceling Fall Assemblies and scheduling Spring Assemblies
at venues that are easy/less costly destinations (committees
are just starting up in the fall, so targeting a single
meeting for spring makes a better alternative; there tends to
be more business to act on in spring than there is in fall).
- holding assemblies on week-ends (which would provide a
savings in release time but not in operating funds).
- tack assemblies on to other conferences (e.g., ALA or CLA)
to reduce travel expenses (although not everyone attends these
routinely, and those who do already have a full or chaotic
- Fall Assemblies DO sometimes seem extraneous when no real
business occurs, but some Fall Assemblies HAVE been
substantive. Sentiment is mixed about their utility overall.
- The budget cuts should be viewed within the context of
getting LAUC work done and how this can be achieved with less
money; evaluating the effectiveness of assemblies, or the
importance of travel for committee work must be done within
that context.
- Teleconferencing for Fall Assembly and meeting as usual in
the spring might effect some savings and retain the important
elements of timely discussion and communication of statewide
ACTION: A. Prussing will lay out the issue to the membership (B.
Renford is drafting a proposal that will help us focus on
possibilities to consider) via email and call for a special meeting
(brown-bag lunch). After that meeting, A. Prussing will respond to
statewide before the April 15th deadline. Potential meeting dates,
in order of preference, are: Apr. 5, 6, 12, 13; preferred venue is
one of the Price Center Galleries [R. Lindemann will reserve a
LAUC-SD Budget
Our current balance is $721.85, which is relatively robust. That
health is attributable to recent reimbursements from statewide and
good response to the special assessment ($10 rather than $5) levied
this year. A preliminary, conservative budget projection for
1994/95 was proposed by A. Prussing:
Income: 50 contributors @ $5 $250
Expenses: 1st lunch for new librarians ($6.50 ea.) $ 65
Library wide holiday party $ 50
Goodbyes/retirements ($6.50 minimum ea.) $ 65
Required lunches for delegates ($12 x 4) $ 48
Total expenses $228
ACTION: A. Prussing will present this budget to the membership
with the notion that it comprises expenditure guidelines.
LAUC Buddies
Guidelines to direct the orientation to LAUC of new librarians were
reviewed, and the following "buddy duties" were defined:
1. Review packet contents with new librarian.
2. Encourage committee involvement.
3. Perform follow-up after passage of time to answer new
4. Invite and accompany new librarian to first LAUC Lunch.
Goals Setting
A. Prussing initiated discussion by citing LAUC-Berkeley's attempts
to move away from "housekeeping" orientation toward "programmatic"
planning. There was general agreement that LAUC-SD shared that
desire for it's own goals setting process, and discussion ensued
toward identifying chapter goals for the coming year.
- Streamline the review process (this would require
participation from CAPA, LPO and the membership at large, but
LAUC could play the lead in initiating the procedural
revisions). The APM requires far less than local review
procedures dictate, and streamlining would come from radically
especially concerning requirements about ad hoc committees.
ACTION: A. Prussing will discuss the matter with J. Hanson;
it is expected that a committee comprising senior librarians
(who have a full understand of the review process) would be
formed to draft revisions of the ARP.
- Address systems training issues. A LAUC voice, speaking to
library administration about perceived inadequacies in systems
(esp. new technologies) training, might serve to improve
library-wide training programs for all library staff.
ACTION: A. Prussing will draft a charge directing an ad hoc
committee, constituted to reflect diverse views, how to
proceed; a proposal concerning the committee and its charge
will be presented to the membership for discussion and
- Promote professional activities by introducing librarians to
teleconferencing/telecommunicating technologies. B. Renford
indicated that significant resources were currently available
at UCSD.
The value in including the membership in the process of identifying
LAUC-SD goals was stressed, and the topic will be added as a future
membership meeting agenda item.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:50.
Respectfully submitted, R. Lindemann, Secretary/Treasurer