Librarians Association of the University of California San Diego - Bylaws
Adopted April 1995
Revised March 2005
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Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Librarians Association of the University of San Diego Division (LAUC-SD), an unit of the Librarians Association of the of California (LAUC).
Section 1. LAUC-SD shall serve in an advisory capacity to the or the Chancellor's designated the campus administration and the administration on professional and governance matters of concern to librarians.
Section 2. LAUC-SD shall advise the Chancellor or the Chancellor's designated representatives, the campus administration and the library administration on the operations and policies of the UCSD libraries.
Section 3. LAUC-SD shall advise the Chancellor, or the Chancellor's designated representatives, the campus administration and the library administration on professional standards, rights, privileges, and obligations of members of LAUC-SD.
Section 4. LAUC-SD shall advise the Chancellor or the Chancellor's designated representatives, the campus administration and the library administration on the planning, evaluation, and implementation of programs, services, or technological changes in the UCSD libraries.
Section 5. LAUC-SD shall not advise the Chancellor, the Chancellor's designated representatives, the campus administration or the library administration with respect to matters which are covered by a memorandum of understanding or otherwise subject to negotiation between the University and any exclusive bargaining agent.
Section 6. LAUC-SD shall maintain liaison with LAUC divisions at other campuses of the University of California and participate in statewide LAUC.
Section 1. Membership in LAUC-SD shall consist of all persons employed half-time or more in the Librarian Series of the University of California, San Diego, or in any one of the following titles: University Librarian, Associate University Librarian, Assistant University Librarian, or in the same series or titles in acting capacity. Members of the Librarian Series with University-wide appointments who work on or near the San Diego campus shall be members of this Division.
Section 2. All members shall be eligible to vote, to hold office, to serve on committees, with the exception of the Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Advancement (CAPA), and to serve as representatives to the statewide Assembly.
Section 3. Persons employed in the Librarian Series on less than half-time appointments and retired members shall have affiliate membership. Affiliate members, may attend and participate in general meetings of the Division and of the Assembly, but may not vote, make motions, nominate candidates, or serve as officers or committee members.
Section 1. The officers of LAUC-SD shall be the Chair, Vice Chair (Chair elect), and Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 2. The terms of office shall be one year commencing 1 September.
Section 3. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall automatically succeed for the remainder of the term and shall appoint an interim Vice Chair with the approval of the Executive Board. Provision for succession for the following term will be determined by the Executive Board with the approval of the membership.
Section 4. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Vice Chair or Secretary/Treasurer, a Vice Chair pro tem or Secretary/Treasurer pro tem shall be appointed from the membership of the Division for the remainder of the term by the Chair, with the approval of the Executive Board.
Section 5. The Chair shall perform the usual functions of that office, and shall:
a. Represent and speak for LAUC-SD in its relationships with the campus and library administrations.
b. Represent LAUC-SD at Library Department Heads meetings.
c. Bring to the attention of the membership and the Executive Board any matters which require LAUC-SD response or which may be of concern to LAUC-SD.
d. Represent the Division in all deliberations of the LAUC Executive Board.
e. Report to the Division on the deliberations of the LAUC Executive Board and the Assembly.
f. Serve as a LAUC Assembly Delegate and serve as leader of the San Diego delegation.
g. Appoint the membership and chairs of standing and ad hoc committees of LAUC-SD from nominations submitted by the Executive Board or membership, direct charges to these committees, and see that the committee reports and recommendations are referred to the Executive Board and/or membership for appropriate consideration and action.
h. Provide for the maintenance of the LAUC-SD Archives.
i. Serve as a member and chair the Nomination/Election Committee for the year immediately following the completion of term of office as Chair.
j. Distribute information about meetings and meeting agendas to members the week prior to the meeting.
k. Prepare, maintain, and distribute orientation information to new UCSD librarians.
Section 6. The Vice Chair (Chair-elect) shall perform the usual functions of that office, and shall:
a. Assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair's absence or incapacity.
b. Serve as a member of the Executive Board.
c. Serve as Parliamentarian for the Division.
d. Serve as a LAUC Assembly Delegate.
Section 7. The Secretary/Treasurer shall perform the usual functions of that office, and shall:
a. Prepare and distribute minutes of membership meetings within thirty days following the meeting to the members and others as designated by the Statewide LAUC Executive Board.
b. Prepare and distribute minutes of LAUC-SD Executive Board meetings wit hin thirty days following the meeting to the members and others as designated by the LAUC-SD Executive Board.
c. Make available to members of the Division the minutes of Assembly meetings.
d. Inform the LAUC Secretary of the results of divisional elections and changes in officers or Assembly Delegates during the year and shall notify the LAUC Secretary not more than 10 days following the date of the Statewide election of the results.
e. Maintain and update LAUC-SD documents, including Bylaws, minutes, rosters, calendars, etc., within thirty days of the change.
f. Collect annual membership contributions and maintain budget and fiscal accounts.
g. Handle correspondence and publicity as directed by the Chair.
h. Collect LAUC-SD archival materials for deposit. (See Article XII, Section 1)
i. Record in the meeting minutes the exact wording of all motions.
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the Chair, the Vice Chair (Chair-elect), the Secretary/Treasurer, the immediate past-Chair, one member elected at large, the Assembly Delegate, and the Chair of the Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (CAPA). Chairs of standing or ad hoc committees may be invited by the Chair to attend Executive Board meetings as non-voting members.
Section 2. The terms of office shall be for one year commencing 1 September.
Section 3. If a vacancy occurs in one of the positions on the Executive Board other than the officers, the Chair shall appoint a replacement with the approval of the Executive Board.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall represent the will of membership between membership meetings.
Section 5. Executive Board members or their designated alternatives will participate as outlined in the Academic Review Procedures, Librarian Series, University of California, San Diego.
Section 6. All actions of the Executive Board taken on behalf of the membership are subject to review by the membership.
Section 1. There shall be at least three membership meetings each year.
Section 2. Meetings may be called by the Chair, the Executive Board, or by the written request of twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership.
Section 3. One-third (1/3) of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4. Information about meetings shall be provided to the membership during the week prior to the meeting. (See article IV, Section 7.g)
Section 1. Standing Committees
a. The standing committees shall be the Committee on appointment, Promotion and Advancement (CAPA), Nomination/Election Committee, Research and Professional Development Committee, Diversity Committee, and others as appropriate.
b. All standing committees, except CAPA, shall be appointed by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Board.
c. All regular members shall be eligible for appointment to all committees, except CAPA. Affiliate members are ineligible to serve on committees.
d. A committee quorum shall consist of fifty-one percent of the members of the committee.
e. Each committee shall submit a written annual report to the LAUC-SD Chair by 1 Sept.
f. Normally the committee chair shall be appointed by the Chair of LAUC-SD, with the approval of the Executive Board; however such appointment may be redelegated to the committee itself.
g. Divisional committees concerned with matters of more than local interest shall send a copy of all substantive reports to the Chair of the related statewide committee and to the LAUC President.
Section 2. Composition and Responsibilities of Standing Committees.
a. Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (CAPA)
1) Responsibilities of this committee are described in the Procedure for Peer Evaluation and review for Academic Employees, Librarian Series and APM 210-4.
2) Membership of this committee shall consist of four members from the Librarian Series with career status.
3) Members are elected at the annual election for two with terms staggered so that two members are elected each year.
4) Of these four members, the chair of CAPA shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The chair of CAPA shall also be a member of the Executive Board.
b. Nomination/Election Committee
1) Membership shall consist of three members from the Librarian Series. Two members shall be appointed by the LAUC-SD Chair, not later than February of each year, or at least thirty days before the election. The immediate past LAUC-SD Chair shall serve as the third member and chair of the committee.
2) The committee shall submit a slate of nominees for office to the membership, at a meeting to be held at least two weeks before the election. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at this meeting.
3) The committee shall conduct the election in accordance with Article VIII.
4) The committee shall report the results of the election to the Chair. The Chair shall notify all nominees and report the results of the election to the membership.
5) The committee chair shall submit to the Secretary/Treasurer, in writing, the Divisional results of statewide LAUC elections for transmittal to the LAUC Secretary not more than ten days after the election.
c. Research and Professional Development Committee
1) Membership shall be appointed by the Chair, and shall include the LAUC-SD representative to the statewide research and Professional Development Committee.
2) The committee shall monitor and recommend to Library Administration disbursement of all funds made available to the committee for research and development.
3) The committee shall serve as the review body for all research proposals submitted by LAUC-SD members for local and statewide funding.
4) The committee shall prepare an annual series of programs relating to research needs and professional development of the LAUC-SD membership, and shall disseminate information to the membership regarding professional development activities.
5) The committee shall evaluate the UCSD Library Professional Development Program including an annual review of the program goals, criteria, policies and procedures.
d. Diversity Committee
1) Membership shall consist of members from the Librarian Series and shall be appointed by the Chairperson. Membership shall include the LAUC-SD representative to the statewide Committee on Diversity.
2) The committee shall consider and develop recommendations and implementation strategies on matters and initiatives concerning cultural diversity in the UCSD libraries.
3) The committee shall serve as the major advisory body to LAUC-SD as well as a resource for other committees on issues and initiatives concerning cultural diversity in the UCSD libraries.
Section 3. Ad Hoc Committees
a. Ad hoc committees shall be established as determined by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Board or by the membership.
b. The composition of each ad hoc committee shall be determent by the Executive Board.
c. The ad hoc committee and its chair shall be appointed by the Chair. However, appointment of the chair may be redelegated to the committee itself.
d. The charge to each ad hoc committee shall be drafted by the Chair in consultation with the Executive Board, and contain a final reporting date.
e. Divisional committees concerned with matters of more than local interest shall send a copy of all substantive reports to the Chair of the related statewide committee and to the LAUC President.
Section 4. Statewide Committees
a. The Executive Board shall nominate one divisional member to serve on each statewide standing or ad hoc committee. Nominations for standing committees shall be transmitted to the LAUC President no later than 1 September.
b. Appointees to statewide committees may request that the Division Chair appoint an as hoc committee to assist with their statewide committee obligations.
Section 1. Elections shall be held annually in the spring at the time of the statewide election which is to be held no later than 30 June.
Section 2. Election shall be held be secret ballot.
Section 3. Officers, Member at large, Assembly Delegates, and CAPA members shall be elected by a plurality of valid votes cast and shall assume office the following 1 September.
Section 4. Questions arising as the result of tie votes will be resolved by special election.
Section 1. Representation shall be in accordance with the LAUC Bylaws.
Section 2. The Division Chair and Vice Chair shall automatically serve as statewide Assembly Delegates.
Section 3. Additional Assembly Delegates, in the number to which the Division is entitled, as specified in the LAUC bylaws, shall be elected from a slate of candidates presented by the Nomination/Election Committee.
The current edition of Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the authority for parliamentary procedure, when not inconsistent with the provisions of these bylaws.
Section 1. Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Board or by three members and presented in writing to the Chair.
Section 2. Amendments shall be presented in writing to the members at least two weeks before they are voted upon.
Section 3. Amendments may be adopted at any meeting by a majority vote of members in attendance, a quorum being present.
Section 4. These bylaws and all amendments thereto shall be subject to the approval of the LAUC Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdictions.
Section 1. LAUC-SD Officers and chairs of local LAUC-SD committees are responsible for maintaining permanent records, and for depositing them with the LAUC-SD secretary.
Section 2. It shall be the responsibility of the LAUC-SD Secretary/Treasurer to collect all records of retiring officers and committees at the conclusion of their term of office and to arrange for scheduled deposit in the UCSD Archives. The Secretary/Treasurer will consult with the University Archivist on matters pertaining to the permanent retention of records.
Section 3. As rule, material pertaining to Statewide LAUC activities, e.g., correspondence of Statewide Committees, will not be deposited in the UCSD Archives. However, important Statewide documents, such as final committee reports, which serve to show the informational environment in which LAUC-SD operates, should be deposited in the Archives by the LAUC-SD Chair.
Section 4. Local materials which should be routinely deposited in the UCSD Archives include: minutes of LAUC-SD
meetings, financial statements, annual reports,
local committee records and correspondence, etc.