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March 2005 Minutes

LAUC-SD Membership Meeting

March 29, 2005

  1. Approval of minutes   Nov. 30, 2004 membership meeting (attached).  Alice Perez provided the secretary with a few corrections.  Paul Weiss indicated he had a few corrections, and indicated he would discuss these with the secretary directly. 


  1. New Members: none
  1. LAUC-SD webmaster position: Mary Linn distributed the draft LAUC-SD Web Site Policies and Web Manager Charge, and said she would send out a call for volunteers.  Mary Linn indicated this will be an appointed position with the Executive Board making the decision.   Paul Weiss advised we should change “elected” to “selected” in the section on selection and term of service.  Paul had additional comments, and Mary Linn and Paul agreed to speak about this after the meeting.
  1. Life 101 – Harold Colson: Harold shared an email he received from the UCSDCareerCenter inviting him to be involved in a new program called “Life 101.  This new program is intended to assist graduates with the transition to their post-academic life.  This program is scheduled for April 16, 2005. Harold asked Mary Linn if it would be appropriate to forward this to the new LAUC-SD Mentoring Committee.  Mary Linn agreed that it was appropriate to forward this to the Mentoring Committee
  1. Self-Review Workshop final report: Kari Lucas reported that she and Barbara Slater are preparing the final report on the Self-Review Workshop.  Kari indicated this would be submitted to the Executive Board.
  1. LAUC Spring Assembly: Mary Linn announced that the LAUC Spring Assembly is scheduled for June 2nd and 3rd at UC Santa Barbara, with the general assembly Thursday, June 2nd, and the LAUC Statewide Executive Board meeting Friday, June 3rd.  The website for the assembly includes preliminary agendas, and is located at
  1. Recognition for Craig Haynes: Anne Prussing announced to the membership two honors for Craig Haynes.  Craig has been elected to the Medical Library Association Board of Directors.  In addition, Craig has received the Louise Darling MLGSCA Achievement Award.  This is the Medical Library Group of Southern California & Arizona’s (MLGSCA’s) highest honor.  Congratulations to Craig!

Committee reports

  1. Academic Senate Library Committee: Barbara Slater, LAUC-SD representative to the UCSD Academic Senate Library Committee, reported on the recent activities of the committee.

The Academic Senate Library Committee met on March 23, 2005.  Agenda items included: 

A.    Per the request of Donald Tuzin, Chair of the Academic Senate San Diego Division, the Library Committee reviewed the UC proposed revisions to the Electronic Communications Policy.   A document that was issued in 2000 to establish policy on privacy, confidentiality, and security of electronic communications; to inform the UC community about the applicable laws related to electronic communication; and to ensure the University electronic communications resources are being used for appropriate purposes.    The Committee saw no substantive issues raised by the proposed revisions. 

B.     Brian provided an update on the Library Journal Format Migration.  He reported that the library has successfully migrated 992 journal titles to electronic only.  It plans to migrate another 288 titles by Jan 2006.  The journal collection is now split nearly evenly between those titles that are print only and those that are either print and electronic or electronic only  (2962 print only journal subscriptions and 3014 journal subscriptions that are either print with electronic or electronic only.)  Wide spectrum of reactions around discipline.

C.     Brian shared the National Institute of Health (NIH) Open Access Announcement.   NIH is calling on scientists to release to the public manuscripts from research supported b NIH as soon as possible, and within 12 months of final publication. 

D.    Ben Grinstein (UCSD representative) reported back from the UC wide Library Committee meeting held Feb 25th, 2005.   Agenda items for the system wide meeting included:  Strategic Directions document,   scholarly communication, role of the library of the future,  round robin of campuses sharing the activities of their Library Committees. 

Future agenda items will include an update on the electronic dissertations initiative.  Feel free to let Barbara know if there are other things you’d like to see discussed.   

  1. CAPA: no report
  1. LAUC-SD Nominations Committee: Sam Dunlap reported that the committee is hard at work identifying candidates for the various committee positions.
  1. R&PD Committee Report: Sue McGuinness distributed a report on the R&PD Committee budget.  Sue reported that the committee has two different funds.  General funds that cover programs, LAUC-SD journal subscriptions, and $100 annual supplemental professional development per librarian.  The balance for this fund in $2,235.  This balance means R&PD is in good shape for funding future programs, and will be able to continue to provide the supplemental professional development funding. The second fund R&PD manages is described as “Opportunity Funds”.  These funds are available for research grants, as well as research-related programs.  The balance of this fund is currently $9,400.  R&PD used a surplus in this fund to provide an additional $100 for professional development. Sue reported that this surplus has been eliminated, so it is unlikely that R&PD will continue to provide this additional $100.  Sue took this opportunity to remind the membership the R&PD has equipment that may be used by members.  Contact Sue to arrange to use the equipment.

Penny attended the Statewide R&PD Committee meeting to discuss the four statewide research proposals that were received.  The committee supported two of the proposals, one was not supported, and the last proposal was received very late, and was not considered.

R&PD will sponsor, or co-sponsor the upcoming programs:

-         "MetaSearching: Present and Future Prospects MetaLib: Version 3 for User and Non-Users " webinar.  Tuesday, March 29

-         Co-sponsoring with IOC, and LHR "It's NOT About Time: Making the Most of One-Shots." Monday, May 9th.

  1. Diversity Committee report: Tony Harvell presented the Diversity Committee's recommendation to establish a library fellowship program here at UCSD.  He reminded the membership that this type of fellowship program was first considered by the Diversity Committee earlier this decade, but was postponed due to the bleak budget situation.  This program would target recent graduates.  The goal of the program would be to increase diversity within our organization, and our profession.  Fellows would get the opportunity to work in our environment, learning about academic and research libraries.  UC Santa Barbara is in the twentieth year of a similar fellowship, with many former fellows now in leadership positions in our profession.

Tony shared that there are of course challenges to establishing this type of program, proposition 209 being one example.  Even with these challenges, R&PD feels it is important to address the lack of diversity in our profession, as well as local and general recruitment challenges.  Tony came to LAUC-SD today to get a sense of the membership about this type of program.

Comments from the membership included:

-         Anne Prussing – past Diversity Committees were in favor of this type of program

-         Alice Perez - March 1st, editorial about library fellowships was very positive

-         Trish Rose – curious why have not recruited many recent positions at the entry level?

-         Jenny Reiswig - many recent MLS program graduates live in San Diego area, so these graduates are a possible target for this type of program. 

-         Susan Starr - we do hire right out of library school – at least at the assistant level 

-         Alice, many years ago, more at assistant level – now fewer

-         Paul Weiss - concerned this program may not be as successful as we hope.  Based on experience with National Library of Medicine Fellowship, takes a lot of staff time and effort.  Experience has shown that not many of the former fellows stayed in medical librarianship.

-         Susan – need to be conscious of commitment of resources on the library side

-         Adolfo Tarango – we need to encourage good people into the profession.  This type of program would be beneficial to all of the UC libraries by improving the pool of candidates for positions system-wide.  We may lose some of these fellows in the short run, but it is possible we will get them back later in their careers. 

-         Peter Brueggeman - we already bring in temporary librarians.  Maybe our need for temporary librarians could dove tail with this program.

-         Esteban Valdez – the last minority brought in under a previous program of this type.  The previous program was a good experience. 

-         Su Hui Ho – former fellow of similar program at University of Michigan – the program provided a lot exposure to academic librarian positions, and was a valuable experience. 

-         Jeff Williams – support this as a way of going beyond simply conducting programs about the need of increasing diversity in our profession

-         Adolfo, can dovetail with the activities of the Mentoring Committee.

A vote was conducted to get a sense of the membership.  The membership was asked if the Diversity Committee should continue to develop this program, including taking it to library administration and LHR.  All were in favor.


  1. ARPM revision - amendment proposed to February 2005 vote: Mary Linn reported the email vote was successful, but she made a small mistake.  She is now bringing forward an amendment suggested by Penny Coppernoll-Blach.  Penny suggests that the individual being reviewed have the choice about how the review packet is prepared, whether they submit a new file detailing all three years of service, or simply write an addendum covering the most recent year.  It was decided it was not clear if this would have to be approved by the Review Initiator – there was consensus that the procedures were not clear on this issue.

At this point, Susan Starr made a motion to add the following to the ARPM: 

Proposed amendment “The candidate may submit a new integrated file covering all three years of service.”

After further discussion, Susan withdrew her motion, and it was decided to send this back to CAPA for further discussion.

Harold Colson – Question, is what we originally approved by the email vote currently in effect? 

<Secretary’s comment – no further notes on this topic>

  1. Professional Development funding request:  Peter Brueggeman sent out a survey on professional development activities, both library-funded, and individually-funded.  Peter reported that a significant amount of travel is funded by grants.  For the purpose of this funding request, he stripped out this travel. 
After analyzing the data, and discussing this with the LAUC-SD Executive Board, it was decided to suggest increasing the funding up to $2,500 per librarian/per year.  Pete