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May 2004 Minutes

LAUC-SD Membership Meeting

2:00pm – 4:00pm, May 18, 2004

Seuss Room, Geisel Library

Present: Mary Linn Bergstrom, Amy Butros, Ken Calkins, Jim Cheng, Marlayna Christensen, Harold Colson, Penny Coppernoll-Blach, Elizabeth Cowell, Tammy Dearie, Shi Deng, Sam Dunlap (Chair),  Katy Farrell, SuHui Ho, Sanae Isozumi, James R. Jacobs, Susan Jurist, Lis Leonard, Karen Lindvall-Larson, Kari Lucas (Secretary), Phyllis Mirsky, Julie Page, Alice Perez, Anne Prussing, Jenny Reiswig, Trish Rose, Brian Schottlaender, Susan Shepard, Barbara Slater, Adolfo Tarango, Duffy Tweedy, Esteban Valdez, Paul Weiss, Jeff Williams, Marlo Young

Meeting called to order.

Approved March 23, 2004 minutes.

1.  Announcements and additions to the agenda

LAUC-SD Research & Professional Development Committee is sponsoring the "Privacy Rights, The USA PATRIOT Act, and Libraries: What Does it all Mean?"  The program is May 19, 2004 from 2:00 to 4:00 in the Weaver Center at the Institute of the Americas.

Judith F. Krug, Director of the Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) of the American Library Association, Chicago. She has spoken and written articles on intellectual freedom and privacy issues for many years, and was one of the most active people in working to overturn CIPA (the Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000). Before joining ALA, Ms. Krug served as both a reference librarian and a cataloger.

Karen G. Schneider is currently Director of the Librarians Index to the Internet (, chair of the California Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee, an outspoken member of ALA Council, moderator of PUBLIB, an adjunct professor at San Jose State's School of Library and Information Studies, and a former administrator in a public library.

Candace Carroll is a local attorney, specializing in civil appeals cases. She is a graduate of George Washington University and the Duke University School of Law.  She has long been active in the San Diego/Imperial Counties affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, serving on its Executive Committee and doing extensive local organizing against the USA PATRIOT Act.

[NOTE: USA PATRIOT is an acronym for: Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT Act)]

2.  LAUC-SD welcomed Susan Shepard, Instruction Librarian (temp) at BML S&E (formerly at CP Kelco) and Lis Leonard, Assistance Department Head for Reference and Instruction, SSHL (formerly at Wake Forest University).

3.  LAUC Executive Board Report (04/26)                                                 S. Dunlap

Via conference call the Executive Board discussed logistics for the Spring Assembly.

Kennedy announced that she had been invited to participate with the interviews for the CDL Director of Shared Print Collections on April 27 (Chuck Eckman, Stanford; Nancy Kushigian, UCD).

Update on the proposal to create a joint LAUC/University Librarians committee to address the issues related to the distinguished librarian designation.  Karen Butter, the Convener o f the University Librarians group declined the invitation, but did leave open the possibility for collaboration on areas of common interest in the future.

The LAUC Statewide Transition meeting will be sometime in August.

Terry Huwe, incoming LAUC President, suggests moving Fall Assembly before Thanksgiving.

4. Reports on the Spring Assembly (05/13) and Executive Board Meeting (05/14)

S. Dunlap


Spring Assembly 2004 

San Diego Division delegation consisted of S. Dunlap. ML Bergstrom and J. Williams. [Note: San Diego Division member P. Weiss serves as LAUC parliamentarian; SD Division member T. Dearie serves as LAUC representative to SOPAG]

▪The ad hoc awards committee approved a Travel Award of up to $500 for a new LAUC member to attend and assembly not hosted by their division.  An outstanding service award was not approved.

▪PPRTF reflected changes from the membership and is under review. Send comments to President Kennedy, the LAUC Executive Board or S. Dunlap, SD Division chair.

▪The afternoon program will be archived and made available. S. Dunlap will provide access information (look for the “marshmallow in a pickle” section).

▪Kennedy announced the decision of the University Librarians not to address the issue of distinction. LAUC will now gather data UC-wide and at the campus level, and look at faculty criteria for distinction, as well as statement of criteria that may exist at other comparable institutions.

▪Kennedy suggested that LAUC devote the Fall Assembly to programming and the Spring Assembly to Reports and other business. Her observation is that it is difficult to get committees to work over the summer and then the transition in membership requires that a new Chair present the report of the previous committee at the Assembly.

Reports from the LAUC Representatives to System wide Groups (linked from the Assembly page)

SLASIAC (System wide Library & Scholarly Information Advisory Committee) Ann Jensen, UCB.  Ann described SLASIAC as a vetting committee that discusses reports from other committees.  Much of the work is still in process or confidential and she is unable to share content with the membership.  Agendas are often sent a day or two before the meetings. LAUC members may read the Agendas and send Ann any comments to convey to the Committee.

SOPAG (System wide Operations Planning & Advisory Group) Tammy Dearie, UCSD (

Tammy indicated that SOPAG has monthly (in person or by conference call) meetings that run from 10a.m.-3pm, and meets twice a year with the ULs Group. 

The SLASIAC Strategic Directions Report will be available soon on the Web.

A Government Information Workshop will be offered in Fall (North and South)

There is a new Acquisitions CIG (membership TBD)

The Digital Preservation Repository RLF Report has been approved and Tammy will share the URL when it comes out.

The Electronic Resources Management System is in the works and has a mid-July deadline

CDC (Collection Development Group) ( Nancy Kushigian, UCD. Nancy indicated that CDC advises SOPAG. The group’s work is typically “nuts and bolts” and involves long conference calls, negotiations with Elsevier, etc. The group is looking at the issues surrounding the shared print model and is planning to engage bibliographers groups (north and south) to discuss the concepts of shared print collections.

Other Reports linked from the Assembly page

Myron Okada, Director of UC Office of the President’s Office of Academic Personnel*.

Myron’s report consisted of a summary of the major funding elements of the Governor’s multi-year compact with UC, as well as the major accountability elements of the compact for UC.  UC does not have a phased retirement program, but does have “recall agreements.”  The normal retirement age is 60, and UCB is engaged in a pilot program dealing with recall.  The START** program runs through 2005, but may be extended.

Reports from LAUC Committees and Task Forces (those received, to date, are linked from the Assembly page)

Ad Hoc Awards Committee (Chuck Wilson, UCLA)

After discussion on Friday, the Executive Board decided to support the recommendation for a LAUC Travel Award for lodging and travel to the Assembly and Executive Board meeting. This award (up to $500) is intended for first-time attendance at an Assembly (outside of the home campus) and will require a “statement of interest” but not a follow-up report.

The Executive Board considered the recommendation to establish a “LAUC Outstanding Service Award to recognize librarians who have contributed outstanding service to LAUC at both the state and local unit level.” The Board decided not to create a formal award at this time. Rather, individual Divisions will use the resolution process in conjunction with the Executive Board.

Position Paper Review Task Force (Deborah Turner, UCSC)

During Assembly, the group discussed revisions to the “Definition and Guidelines for LAUC Position Papers” document and ultimately adopted it.

Program (web cast): One University, One Library: A Budgetary Perspective from the Outside In. Speakers:

Trudis Heinecke, Director, Long Range Planning, UCOP Budget Office

George Bynon, AUL for Administrative Services, UC Davis

Elaine Tennant, Professor of German, and Co-Chair, UC Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate, Committee on Library.

Executive Board Meeting (05/14/04)

▪Transition meeting will be August 19, 2004 in Oakland at UCOP.

▪Fall Assembly & Executive Board Meeting 2004 will either be held on October 28-29 or November 18-19 at UCB.

▪President Kennedy will issue a call for a LAUC web master.

Two possible dates are being looked at for Fall Assembly: October 28-29 or November 18-19.

It was noted that subsequent to the ULs decision not to post signs regarding patron privacy, many campuses and LAUC Divisions became engaged in a variety of privacy initiatives.  Kennedy noted that Amy Kautzmann (UCB) is compiling privacy information.  [from the LAUC-SD Membership Meeting: Privacy Liaisons Group is finalizing a privacy policy audit. M. Christensen will distribute the web site address.]

The LAUC Webmaster’s term ends in 2004 and Kennedy will send out an announcement soliciting volunteers.

The Board discussed UC Berkeley’s retention statement and chart showing “librarian” FTE from 1990-2004.  Ann Jensen (UCB) and Kennedy will draft a general LAUC statement of support.

The Board discussed next steps for addressing the issues surrounding distinction. Kennedy will ask Myron Okada to supply us with some statistical information, including rank and step information by campus and payroll data for the Librarian Series from 1990-2004.  It was noted that local rank and step information (including librarians with distinction) is available to the SD Division on the HR intranet website. Other Divisions do not have this information easily available, but want to have it. The question arose as to how widely within LAUC this information should be distributed in order to begin our work on the issues surrounding distinction.  It will be planned to have a formal discussion of this topic at a later date.

5.  Report on the Committee on Library, Academic Senate, UCSD                B. Slater

The committee met three times this year.  There are seven voting members and three none voting members of the committee. Topics discussed have included: Elsevier negotiations, libraries MOU with the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC), library budget review, Biomedical Library addition and renovation project, Artstor demonstration, scholarly publishing developments.  Schottlaender was commended for his advocacy and educational efforts with the committee on library issues.  LAUC-SD was commended on its excellent choices for representatives.


6.  Update on Peer Review Process

CAPA (Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Advancement) chair H. Colson reported that as of this meeting, 23 out of 26 files have been completed. Two more are expected to be done very soon.  Notification of review final outcome will be issued from the UL “soon.”  Complete CAPA report will be issued in the fall.


7.  2004/05 Division and State wide Elections                                                           E. Cowell Statewide and division elections will be held on June 10. Election and Nomination Committee will conduct the election, including distribution and collection of paper ballots.

8.  Call for LAUC representatives for appointment to statewide LAUC committees 
 and UL Advisory Groups. Most appointments are for two years, beginning October 1, 2004 (

LAUC: Committee on Committees, Rules and Jurisdiction

SOPAG: though it is unlikely that an appointment would be made from the San Diego Division as it is a San Diego Division LAUC representative who is retiring from the SOPAG.

SOPAG Collection Development Committee (CDC)

SOPAG Heads of Public Services (HOPS)

9.  Report on UCSD Academic Senate Electronic Publications Task Force B. Schottlaender [copies of report distributed]

Schottlaender noted that the report has not yet been presented to the Faculty Academic Senate.  It may be on their agenda for next week’s meeting. The issue at hand for the task force was the evaluation of scholarly impact of scholarship that has been published in non-traditional (i.e. non-print) venues.  Electronic journals with print analogs, born digital, and performance were at issue. Also perplexing was how to assign a value to the contribution of scholars who assemble datasets or post raw data, do not analyze the data, but make it available to other scholars.  Conclusions were that the burden of making a case for the value of the scholarship falls on the academician and the academic department.  And that the venue is not as important as the editorial apparatus. So documenting the editorial apparatus is paramount. 

Respectfully submitted,

Kari Lucas, Secretary


There is an acronyms list is available at]

*Director of Academic Personnel which is the system wide office that develops, implements, and manages policies that affect issues of compensation, benefits, and employee relations for all academic personnel at the University and provides a liaison with campus Academic Personnel offices. Academic personnel include, but are not limited to, graduate student employees such as Research and Teaching Assistants; academic service professionals such as Librarians and Cooperative Extension Specialists and Advisors; academic research professionals such as Professional Researchers and Specialists; and faculty such as Lecturers, Clinical Faculty, and Regular Professorial Rank Faculty.

**START Program FAQ