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December 2001 Minutes

Executive Board Meeting

December 13, 2001
SSHL Research Services Conference Room

Present: J. Reiswig (chair), M. L. Bergstrom, H. Colson, E. Cowell, S. Dunlap, S. Lawson, A. Perez (secretary), A. Prussing, E. Valdez

Change start time of meeting

J. Reiswig, A. Prussing, and M.L. Bergstrom all attend a meeting, prior to the Executive Board meeting, that ends after 10am. J. Reiswig proposed that the Executive Board meetings begin at 10:30am instead of 10:15am. All were in favor of the change.

Debriefing/discussion on November membership meeting: further follow-ups on goals, ARPM documents

S. Dunlap met with Debbie Ambrose, LHR, to discuss the recent changes to the ARPM. She will make these changes, as well as changes which were made during C. Haynes' tenure as CAPA chair, by the end of this year. After all changes have been made S. Dunlap and Maria Din will then review the entire ARPM.

At their next meeting with Brian, J. Reiswig and E. Cowell will mention that removing goals from the ARPM and adding as an appendix was passed at the last membership meeting.

Deborah Murphy's visit to UCSD : topics we'd like to suggest?

Deborah Murphy, LAUC President, will be visiting UCSD and Brian on January 15th at our membership meeting. Brian is scheduled to meet with Deborah during the last 30 minutes of the membership meeting. Topics we'd like her to address are:

  • Distinguished step
  • Standards for Information literacy for UC students (this issue came from UCI)

Cultural Diversity Committee Report

  • A. Prussing will send via email the proposal to change the committee's name to the Diversity Committee in time for the January membership meeting.
  • Will show three films next quarter. The one in January will be on the cultural aspects of the Middle East.
  • A. Prussing has spoken with Brian about a series of talks. Brian will talk with Peter Cowhey, IRPS, about participating as a speaker.
  • Brian suggested that the committee contact the program officer on training and diversity at ARL about a fellowship program.

Research and Professional Development Committee

M. L. Bergstrom reported that the committee has reviewed the journal holdings and prepared a list of what we own. She will send the list to Acquisitions for determining if any back issues are needed to fill in gaps in the library's holdings. Any remaining issues will be offered to the membership. She will ask Acquisitions if they can complete their review before the January 15th membership meeting. If they can, then any remaining issues will be offered to the membership at that meeting.

The committee is also planning a clean-up party of the old LAUC office. They are trying to improve the equipment management and will enter the laptop in Groupwise as a resource to check out. Marlo Young is checking the inventory of software and resources. Jim Church is working on getting the webpage updated.

If you have any "hot talks" suggestions for topics and speakers, contact any R&PD member. LAUC-SD members may want to present their papers as a "hot talk."

The committee will try out a journal club this winter or spring to see how useful this is. A journal club is similar to a book club, but reading journal articles instead of books.

Nobody from our campus has submitted a research proposal. Deadlines were given in the hopes that this would motivate members to submit a proposal.

LAUC Buddies needed

H. Colson is Sue McGuinness' buddy and S. Dunlap is Paul Weiss' buddy. Both need their LAUC packets. A. Prussing volunteered to be Amy Wallace's buddy. She begins on January 2nd in SSHL as Head, Reference, Instruction and Outreach.

Archives of LAUC-SD documents

A. Perez informed the Executive Board that she is cleaning up the LAUC files on the gort server and discovered that we have minutes going back to 1993. Do we want to keep these online and should hardcopies be placed in the archives? According to the bylaws a hardcopy of everything should be placed in the archives. It was suggested that having old rosters online would be helpful.

Shanon's last meeting

Shanon's last meeting will be January 10th until she returns in May. Do we need a replacement for her? The bylaws will need to be checked.

Meeting adjourned at 11am.