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December 1999 Minutes

LAUC executive board meeting

Present: Barbara Slater, Amy Butros, Anne Prussing, Sanae Isozumi,
Harold Colson, Elizabeth Cowell

1. LAUC buddy program

Kathy Adams starts 12/27 in the cataloging department and Elizabeth Cowell will be her LAUC buddy.

A discussion about the level of emphasis the buddies should put on the review process. It was decided that the buddy will inquire about the need for guidance and information from the new employee and go from there.

2. The Cultural Diversity Committee has requested a slot on the next membership committee agenda for a presentation about UC and affirmative action. Craig Haynes estimates that he will need an hour and a half. Due to the potentially long discussion sparked by other agenda items, Barbara will ask Craig if he could fit the presentation into a 55 minute session, or due to the timeliness of the topic schedule it as an independent event. Brian would like to discuss the possibility of opening up job announcements to candidates from programs other than ALA accredited library schools and by then there maybe more information to discuss about the transition plan for the series revision.

3. Reporting from the Assembly

A volunteer is needed for the SRLF board. One person has volunteered.

Lots of discussion took place about the series revision. One piece of information of interest is that the union and the university can call a meet and confer meeting at any time. They do not need to ratify the whole contract at that meeting, just the parts of interest, i.e. the series revision and whatever the outcome of the meeting is, can go into effect before the bargaining process.

There was some adversarial response to the unofficial transition plan. The hope is that things don't get side tracked in the collective bargaining process.  The transition plan is in the UL's hands.

Patsy Inouye would like to have a discussion about the criteria for advancement to distinguished status. She would like a report of the discussion from each campus to be presented at the January LAUC executive board meeting. LAUC-SD felt that to put the topic on our Jan. 25 membership meeting agenda is premature. We would like to have more information about the series revision process first.

Roger Anderson of the UC Academic Senate made a presentation of what he sees as "hot spots." Salaries - recruitment problems, Space issues, Info glut - cost, collection planning, Interlibrary loan, resource sharing.

Karen Merritt came to talk about progress of the UC Merced campus. She had no specific library information other than that the University Librarian position will be one of the first three recruitment on the campus.

There was a suggestion that LAUC assist in the screening process for the Merced UL. This was well received.

Finally, UCSD submitted a resolution to thank everyone involved for all of their hard work on the series revision plan.

4. A LAUC-SD social is planned for Friday Jan. 7 at Round Table Pizza from 12-1:30. Barbara will send out an invitation.

5. Executive Board meetings will now start at 10:30.