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Minutes - LAUC Executive Board Meeting, 1/13/95

Attending: E. Kanter, K. Cargille, L. Abrams, H. Colson, C. Haynes, A. Prussing, S. Starr (recorder)

1. Announcements:

a. LAUC lunches - the next lunch will be held at the Faculty Club. Because of the increased cost for lunch there, it may be necessary to find alternate sites for future lunches.

b. Next Executive Board Meeting is Feb. 10. We will move the next membership meeting from Monday, March 13 to Tuesday, March 14.

2. R&PD Report

L. Abrams reported that she had submitted the proposal for a $70 travel supplement from R&PD funds to Administration and asked for approval as well by the LAUC Executive Board. The Board approved. The Committee has decided to do four calls/year for local grant proposals to encourage people to apply. A summary of the membership survey undertaken in the Fall will be forthcoming for the March agenda. It will go out on email prior to the meeting.

3. Expansion of benefits to domestic partners

The proposal to expand University Benefits to domestic partners will be put on the membership meeting agenda for discussion.

4. CAPA Update

Following the membership meeting, CAPA drafted text on the new guidelines for length and format of self reviews to Jackie Hanson, AUL Personnel. She distributed them to LAUC members.

5. User Outreach Position

K. Cargille proposed, and the Board agreed, to put the draft position description on the membership meeting agenda for further discussion.

6. Report on December Statewide Executive Board Meeting

a. A revised version, including UCSC, of the LAUC History is now available.

b. Four individuals have agreed to serve on the Electronic and Scholarly Information Committee. Lee Jaffe (SC) will chair.

c. Myron Okada updated the Board on salaries and deferred merits. UC lags 10% behind comparable institutions in faculty salaries.

d. Each campus gave an update to the Board. UCR has added a topical session to the business portion of their membership meetings. E. Kanter agreed to present this to the membership as an idea we might want to try here as well. It was also agreed that E. Kanter would assign one campus to each of the LAUC-SD Executive Board members; the member will read the minutes of that campus' meetings carefully and update the local Board.

e. The Executive Board is considering two Ad Hoc Committees. A Social Issues Committee, to develop guidelines on how LAUC should react to social issues as they arise, was proposed but tabled. An Ad Hoc Archives Committee to review the LAUC Archives was proposed and approved; LAUC-SD will defer consideration of our archives until that Committee has produced a report.

f. It was agreed to move Statewide appointments to June so committees can start their work earlier. UCSD will schedule our transitional meeting in June 1995 to make this deadline.

g. Library Council discussed the LAUC Survey on Peer Review. They concluded that this needs to be dealt with on the local level. We will discuss further at the next LAUC-SD Executive Board meeting.

January 1995 Minutes