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Data from: Interannual variations in meltwater input to the Southern Ocean from Antarctic ice shelves
- Height changes and basal melt rates of Antarctic ice shelves from satellite remote sensing, 1994–2018.
- Date: 1994 to 2018
Women's Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) Study
- The WHEL Study was a multisite, randomized, controlled trial of the effectiveness of a high-vegetable, low-fat diet in reducing additional breast cancer events and early death in women with early-stage invasive breast cancer.
- Date: 1995 to 2006
Data from: The Influence of Cloudiness on Hydrologic Fluctuations in the Mountains of the Western United States
- Daily cloud cover indices derived from 4x4 km GOES visible albedo product for snow pillow sites and stream gauges in the mountains of the western U.S.
- Date: 1996-01-01 to 2015-12-31
Data from: North American Monsoon Impacts Southern California’s Coastal Low Clouds
- This collection contains data from "North American Monsoon Impacts Southern California’s Coastal Low Clouds" (Clemesha et al. 2023). Data files include: satellite-derived Coastal Low Cloudiness (CLC) for May - September 1996 - 2020, seasonal cycle fit of CLC used to create daily anomalies, San Diego airport cloud cover, precipitable water content from 850 to 300 hPa from observations in southern and northern California, a previously published single column model radiative scheme with input and outputs files used in this study.
- Date: May through September, 1996 to 2020
SWellEx-96 Experiment Acoustic Data
- SWellEx96 was an ocean acoustic experiment, conducted off San Diego, May 1996. It collected broadband/multitone signals between 50 and 400 Hz on horizontal, vertical, and tilted line arrays.
- Date: 1996-05-10 to 1996-05-18
dataMares Collection
- DataMares holds a massive amount of fishery, reef, mangrove, and other data pertaining to the ecology of Mexico, particularly coastal and marine ecosystems of the Gulf of California, and delivers this information in an interactive and digestible manner.
- Date: 1998 to present
dataMares: Ecological Monitoring
- This collection contains databases from regular surveys conducted to track annual changes in the structure, function, and health of marine ecosystems, as well as organisms like fishes and invertebrates at numerous island and coastal sites.
- Date: 1998 to present
BindingDB: Measured Binding Data for Protein-Ligand and Other Molecular Systems
- This collection contains the full BindingDB dataset of experimental protein-ligand and host-guest binding data.
- Date: 2000 to present
Data from: A Climatic Sand Management Model for Cardiff State Beach, CA
- Annual mean beach width and nearshore sand volume survey estimates for 2000-2019 at South Torrey Pines and Cardiff State Beach, CA, and associated sediment budget modeling code for Cardiff State Beach.
- Date: 2000 to 2021
Scripps Argo Trajectory-Based Velocity Product
- This collection contains absolute velocity estimates from quality controlled Argo trajectory files. Both Scripps trajectory products include trajectories from Core, BGC and Deep Argo floats starting in 2001. The Scripps trajectory products provide velocities between 800-1200 dbar or 100-6200 dbar.
- Date: 2001 through 2020
Khirbat en-Nahas Project (Jordan)
- A collection of archaeological artifacts and data for the excavation of the Khirbat en-Nahas site, and exploration of Iron Age state formation in southern Jordan.
- Date: 2002 to 2009
Bee Research Methods: Video Demonstrations
- This collection shows bee behaviors and methods used to study bee behaviors.
- Date: 2005 to 2014
Daily POP Model Output over the Equatorial Indian Ocean
- Daily POP Model output (2005-2009) extracted over the equatorial Indian Ocean.
- Date: 2005 to 2009
Data from: Mechanisms of heat flux across the Southern Greenland continental shelf in 1/10° and 1/12° ocean/sea ice simulations
- Volume and heat fluxes across the Greenland continental shelf in two eddy-active coupled ocean/sea-ice simulations.
- Date: 2005 to 2009
Data from: Seasonal cycle and annual reversal of the Somali Current in an eddy-resolving global ocean model
- The dataset includes a subset of model output from a global 0.1-deg CORE-II forced POP simulation near the region of the Arabian Sea, supporting the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans article with the same name.
- Date: 2005 to 2009
Data from: 'Whale Wave': shifting strategies structure the complex use of critical fjord habitat by humpbacks
- This collection contains the data, R programming files, and detailed protocols for various aspects of analysis for the publication: Keen et al. 2016. "Whale Wave": shifting strategies structure the complex use of critical fjord habitat by humpbacks.
- Date: 2005 to 2015
Santa Fe Light Cone Simulation research project files
- This project was the result of an ongoing effort by the Laboratory for Computational Astrophysics, leading to development of the Enzo simulation software capable of a seven-level adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) cosmology simulation.
- Date: 2005 to 2012
Teaching Bee
- This collection of documents provides teaching exercises and information for instructors of students ranging from junior high school through college.
- Date: 2005 to 2013
CLIvar and MOde water Dynamics Experiment (CLIMODE) and Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) Float Data Archive
- Calibrated and uncalibrated data from 12 Argo-equivalent, Webb Research ApexSBE profiling floats in the North Atlantic's Eighteen Degree Water region (CLIMODE), and southeast Pacific’s Subantarctic Mode Water region. Sensors: pressure, temperature, salinity, and Aanderaa optode oxygen.
- Date: 2005-11-10 to 2008-05-21
Abraham A. Palmer Lab Research Data Collection
- We are studying the relationship between genotype and phenotype, especially behavioral phenotypes. Palmer Lab members collaborate on federally-funded projects that use a variety of species including humans, rats, mice, and zebrafish. A major focus of this work has been on developing and refining methods for genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in model organisms and integrating these results with expression QTLs (eQTL) and other -omics to identify specific and testable hypotheses about the relationship between genes and behavior.
- Date: 2006 to present